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GBWC Founder 1952-1972

   Senior Bishop Henry H. Brown & Mother Minnie L. Brown


The Greater Bible Way Church was established in 1952 by the late Senior Bishop Henry H. Brown.  Bishop Brown and Mother Minnie Brown traveled from Washington D.C with their five children, Henry, Lavonne, Valarie, Maxine & Joseph doing the work that the Lord had called him to do in Calvert County.  On June 7th, the first church service was held in the house of the late Deacon Albert Freeland & Missionary  Eliza Freeland, and was known as the Bible Way Church of our Lord Jesus Christ #2.    

 Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, Bishop Brown purchased a tent on Dares Beach, Rd. on rented grounds to hold worship services.  The tent was heated by kerosene heaters in the winter and the floor was sawdust, but they continued to serve faithfully, trusting God would make a way.  The Bible Way Church No. 2 started off with 12 faithful members but as the church membership began to grow, Senior Bishop Brown organized 4 major clubs to support the growth of the church; The Willing Workers, Faithful Workers, Brotherhood and Young Peoples club. 


As the ministry continued to grow in number, the need for a new edifice became imminent.  Senior Bishop Brown started Saturday night prayer believing and professing that God would provide land and erect a church edifice to house the growing membership.  His motto was


 As time progressed and the ministry grew in number and influence, the Greater Bible Way Church purchased 5 and 1/2 acres of land on Sixes Rd. where The Greater Bible Way Church still resides. Bishop Brown formed a building committee consisting of deacons and brothers, who also served in the ministry, where he served as the Chief Overseer.  Together, by the grace of God they built Bible Way Church #2.      


Sr. Bishop Brown not only served faithfully in the local church assembly, preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ,  he also served in the International Bible Way Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. as one of the pioneers of the Bible Way movement, under  the late Apostle Smallwood E. Williams.  He served as a member of the Executive Board of Bishops and Presiding Officer of Foreign Missions; preaching the gospel in Africa, Paris, England, and Jamaica. Bishop Brown served as the diocesan and overseer of over 20 churches in Southern Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas.  Because of his work in foreign missions Sr. Bishop Brown has a chapel named after him in Monrovia, Liberia which was dedicated on May 24th, 1976.

Sr. Bishop Brown was called  from labor to reward in 1972 after serving as the pastor of The Greater Bible Way Church for 20 years.  He laid the foundation of biblical teaching that The Greater Bible Way Church still stands on today.  Mother Minnie Brown served with him faithfully in ministry and she was called from labor to reward on May 5th, 1995.  Sr. Bishop Henry H.Brown was succeeded by his youngest son, Joseph N. Brown.  Bishop Henry Brown was a living testimony that with God, "IT CAN BE DONE"



 "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous" Proverbs 13:22




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